Our formations

Master in Biology - Health M2
"Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases" course

The objective of the “Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases” training program is to provide a solid base of knowledge on the most recent approaches, technologies and research results in the field of diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases.

The courses will be organized in 4 seminars : a large part will be devoted to the latest developments of “Omics” in the pathophysiology of diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases, to the impact of both genetics and the environment, the deregulation of inter-organ dialogue, cardiovascular complications and liver disease (NAFLD) in diabetes and the identification of therapeutic targets, and this in an integrated translational strategy.

The 6-month research internship will be carried out in one of the EGID laboratories or in any internationally renowned laboratory interested in subjects related to metabolism (in Lille or elsewhere).

Details on the general organization of the Master in Health Biology at the University of Lille and the application procedure are available on the website https://master-biologie-sante.univ-lille.fr/master-2/parcours-pd

Contact : Sophie LESTAVEL

Master in Biology - Health M2
"Precision health" course

  • International course open to students from scientific, medical/pharmaceutical and (bio)IT backgrounds
  • Courses taught in English
  • 10 interactive seminars given by national or international experts in the fields of multi-OMICS, artificial intelligence, mathematical modelling of biological systems, advanced therapies (medical devices and drugs), cohort management, health care economics and ethics
  • Application in the research sector’s leading themes: cancer, diabetes, neurosciences, immuno-infection, justifying a long-term precision approach, from screening to prevention of complications
  • Focus on the world of business and bio-entrepreneurship, in particular to prepare students for their future professional integration
  • 6-month training in research through research in internationally recognised laboratories, with personalised preparation (Study Lab)
  • Host scholarships for international students
  • Merit-based scholarships according to academic criteria
  • PhD scholarships for students motivated to continue their research training

This course is part of the Graduate Programme Precision Health.



EGID laboratories welcome students each year for the preparation of their doctoral thesis in the Lille Biology-Health Doctoral School

Discover the list of theses in progress and theses defended over the last 5 years as well as the thesis subjects offered for mobility for the start of the 2021 academic year.


Graduate Programme
"Precision Health"

The Graduate Programme ‘Precision Health’ offers a unique training to excellence research to form students to the innovative concepts that will drive tomorrow’s research and health management. It is open to talented Biologists, MD and PharmaD from national and international origin, to form the next generation research leaders for academia, industry and biotech.

The Graduate Programme includes a course in Master Biology and Health (M2) and a PhD programme, which is open to the whole scientific community including postdoctoral fellowships, engineers, teachers and researchers. It gathers innovative theorical courses on current cutting-edge technologies and approaches (e.g. next generation sequencing, systems biology and integrated bio-informatics, artificial intelligence, mathematic modelling of biological systems, state-of-the-art therapies, and interdisciplinary modules (including cohort management, healthcare economics and ethics). Applications are taken from the leading themes in the health sector, which cover different types of chronic diseases (cancer, diabetes and cardiometabolic diseases, neurologic and neurogenerative diseases, infectious and immuno-inflammatory diseases), justifying a precise approach over the long term, from screening to the prevention of complications. Theorical courses are taught in english by local, national and European world-class experts in the field.

All the students will achieve a mandatory international mobility during their training in the partners of the Graduate Programme.

The Graduate Programme has partnered with socio-economic institutions and a particular focus is given towards the bioentreprenarship to prepare students for their future professional integration.

PhD fellowships are awarded to students who are motivated to pursue their research training.

The Graduate Programme is part of the PreciDIAB project, a collaborative venture between Lille world-class scientists, multidisciplinary clinicians, health industry and innovative start-ups, patients and professional diabetes associations, to develop innovative therapeutics and managements of patients. (https://www.precidiab.org/)

Contact : Anne Tailleux