The Equipex LIGAN-PM platform, directed by Philippe FROGUEL, is dedicated to the sequencing of the human genome. Our latest generation high-throughput sequencers are geared towards personalized sequencing of patients with frequent diseases (such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease) or rare diseases (such as monogenic forms of diabetes and obesity, and familial forms of cancer).
Internet Website :
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DiabInnov is a research platform that helps companies and academic laboratories to research and develop innovative therapies for the treatment of metabolic diseases and their comorbidities, in order to significantly advance the therapeutic management of patients.
Website :
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The “EGID Innovation” platform is a project hotel. Located in the heart of the EGID building, it is intended to house biotechnology companies that are developing their projects in synergy with EGID. It complements the services offered by hotels with traditional projects by providing access to an exceptional scientific environment (Labex), state-of-the-art equipment and technological platforms of excellence (Equipex).
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The immuno-phenotyping platform is equipped with several state-of-the-art equipment : a sorting analyzer allowing the simultaneous purification of 6 cell populations and an analyzer by mass cytometry, a technique in full development making it possible to analyze simultaneously up to 42 markers.
Contacts :
David Dombrowicz (Team director) :
Olivier Molendi-Coste (Technical manager and research engineer) :
Laurent Pineau (Research engineer) :
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La caractérisation qualitative et quantitative des effets associés à l’administration d’un composé à un animal modèle est la clé de voûte du processus de découverte de médicaments. Cette étape est essentielle pour estimer un futur effet thérapeutique et évaluer le rapport risque-bénéfice d’un candidat médicament. À ce titre, elle constitue une étape nécessaire dans la plupart des projets d’innovation thérapeutique, avant de décider d’engager un candidat pour des essais cliniques.
Savoir-faire et services
Managers scientifiques : Pr. B. Déprez & Dr F. Leroux (
Manager opérationnel: C. Piveteau (
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The IMPACT-PM (Integrative Metabolomics and Phenomics AnalytiCs for Translational and Precision Medicine) platform is dedicated to high-resolution mass spectrometry-based metabolomics in biomedical settings. Our mission is to deliver a comprehensive characterisation of the metabolome in various biomedical contexts using high-throughput high-resolution accurate mass workflows, with enhanced coverage and high-confidence annotation for more than two thousand metabolites, lipids and drugs.
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Group Leader and Platform Head : Dr. Marc-Emmanuel DUMAS (
Postdoc, lead for mass spectrometry : Dr. Mickael CHEVALIER (
Postdoc, lead for chemometrics: Dr. Francesc PUIG CASTELLVÍ (
Postdoc, lead for standards library and Met ID: Dr. Romina PACHECO TAPIA (
PhD student: Maxime DESLANDE (