Following EGID’s success, on the basis of all the knowledge acquired in fundamental sciences, Pr. Froguel developed, within the framework of the IHU-2 call for projects, a translational and clinical research project precision medicine for Diabetes called PreciDIAB.

PreciDIAB has been recognized by an international jury and labeled by the state National Center for Precision Medicine for Diabetes. Coordinated by ISTE-ULNE, this project is supported by the European Metropolis of Lille, Amiens Métropole, the Hauts-de-France Region, the National Research Agency, and the European Union. PreciDIAB brings together multidisciplinary specialists with a common objective: to develop new means of prevention, care and treatment of diabetic patients in order to counter the disease and its consequences and to offer diabetic patients a quality and a long life expectancy. equal to that of non-diabetics.

Continue browsing the PreciDIAB website for more information.