Spring Meetings EASD EGIR & NAFLD May 25-26 and June 3-4

Also this year we have organized the spring meetings of the EGIR and NAFLD study groups in virtual mode. These Webinars bring together clinicians, researchers, and industry in an exceptional gathering.

However, the success of our meetings resides also in your involvement in the debates during the Q&A interactive sessions.

Click the links to register:

  •         EGIR-EASD Study Group Spring Meeting – May 25-26, 2021 5-7 PM (Rome)

“Pancreatic hormones and organ cross talk: new insights 100 years after discovery of insulin” 

  •       NAFLD EASD Study Group Virtual Spring Meeting – June 3-4, 2021 – 5:00 PM (Rome)

“Sexual Dimorphism And FGF Signaling In NAFLD” 

You can also go to the website http://www.egir-group.eu/ to register

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